Monday 18 August 2014

How to look taller in photo

There are times when your pictures don't really come out the way you want them to. People end up complaining how they look shorter. Here are a few ways to help you look taller...

- The best way to look a little taller, is to turn partially to your side and place one foot in front of the other. Point your toe to the camera and place weight on back foot.
- When you are clicking a picture, make sure that the camera is positioned at a lower level — the waist height should be just fine.

- One of the easiest way to look tall is, of course, wearing heels, especially so when you are in front of a camera. But, make sure that you are wearing a comfortable pair of heels.
- Playing with colour can act as a mirage too. Maintain the same colour for the top and bottom. Darker colours work well to lend a slimmer and taller frame.
- Pull your shoulders back, your chest forward and gently suck the stomach in.
- When you are posing for the camera, make sure to stand tall with a shallow curve in the small of your back.
- Wear bottoms that are high-waisted. High-waist pants give the impression of longer legs. Flares help too. The more flared the better.

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